Dental Crowns in Mississauga, ON
Although dental crowns near you are one of more commonly performed restorative dentistry procedures, the team at Pearl Dental Care knows that if you’ve never had to have a dental crown from a cosmetic dentist Mississauga, you may have questions about why the treatment is needed and what to expect during and after your procedure. That’s why we’ve compiled the following list of questions we are most often asked. If you don’t see your question answered below, please call our office.
What is a dental crown?
A dental crown is also sometimes known as a dental cap because of the way the tooth-shaped materials that are used cover the affected tooth. When our dentist in Mississauga, ON cements the crown or cap into place, it will fully encase the portion of the tooth that is above a patient’s gum line. For this reason, dental crowns from Pearl Dental Care are very natural looking once the procedure is completed.
Why does a patient need a cap or crown?
As with most things in medicine, every patient will have a unique reason that a procedure is recommended; but for the most part, dental crowns are used to protect a tooth that is at risk of breaking (usually from decay or impact trauma), to provide support to a tooth that has become worn down from use or grinding, to help hold a dental bridge in place, to cover a dental implant as one of the last segments in the procedure, and to make aesthetic corrections in smile makeovers.
What materials are used for the dental crown?
There is a selection of materials that our dentist can use based on where the tooth that’s receiving the crown is located or a patient’s preference. A few examples are stainless steel, various metals including porcelain that’s fused to metal, resin, or natural-looking ceramic and porcelain. When you visit us for your consultation and treatment plan, we’ll review the advantages and disadvantages of each so you can make the best decision for your oral health.
How can I prepare for the procedure?
Pearl Dental Care strives to make every dental procedure as gentle and pain-free as possible, and this includes our approach to dental crowns in Mississauga, ON. Although most patients can return to their normal activities immediately afterward, our dental care team will discuss the particulars of your treatment when you visit us for your consultation. Call us now to schedule your consultation or use our convenient online booking tool to get started.